Individual | School Assignment | Visual Brand Language | January 2024 | 3 weeks

Project Context
OSU has asked the 3rd year students to design “Honda” inspired Personal Mobility Devices for young patients with limited leg function. These PMDs may be wheelchairs, walking assistants, or other devices that assist in the mobility and freedom of movement. A brief online audit of PMDs will provide current state of devices. A visit to the OSU medical facility will provide a contextual experience of the environment as well as help students to visualize the design of medical equipment. Students will brainstorm on concepts, visualize devices, refine ideas, and present their vision of a medical device that is accessible to the public.
Design Considerations
Explore function, form, materials, and emerging technologies for Honda VBL concepts to be implemented within 5 years. PMDs must have core ergonomic features like wheels, seating, and support.
Honda VBL
The persona I created my design for centered around a college student on the go. He's a student who'd be seated at a desk, but also a DJ who'd be on his feet. I wanted to combine a wheelchair with an exoskeleton to create a transforming mobility device fit for any event.


When designing for the future, I thought Ai would be a good tool to reference. The two images inspired the first two sketches, but I realized I was getting too detailed too quickly. I came up with the idea I ended up going with by following the brand language and building the shape and color with Adobe Fresco. I then uploaded my drawing to Vizcom.Ai. I used those images and layered them back into Fresco to add the final rendering effect.
Final Design In Action