Group of 4 | School Assignment | Brand Identity Design | February 2024 | 3 weeks
Project Context
Working in teams of four, each member will explore a new technology, collaboratively develop a concept, and individually design a component to contribute to the final project. 
My group shared common interests to come up with our concept of a brewery with AR dogs. I practiced branding with Figma and compiled our components together to make a set of posters and logo.
The Dog House is a brewery that gives users AR glasses to experience interactive AR Dogs. The dogs serve as friendly companions while the customers sip on their brews. The AR glasses allow the customers to be immersed in the experience while still being able to interact with people and objects in the real world.
Below is the brand guide as well as a few slides on the intention behind each flyer. I wanted to make sure to visualize what we were advertising, so I thought of words I attach to the core elements of our concept and then tried to reflect that in each poster.

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